
[问答] 外籍人士在国内办理工作签证,需要出境吗?

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那珂川 发表于 2022-7-26 07:54:42 | 只看该作者 打印 上一主题 下一主题
Do foreigners need to leave the country to apply for a work visa in China?
Since June 6, many expatriates have been applying for ordinary visas to enter the country, while recently also expatriates wish to work in China on a long-term basis. Since they are not entering with a working visa, many expatriates are worried whether they will face the risk of leaving the country when they apply for a working visa in China.
Do foreigners in China need to leave the country agAIn if they want to apply for a work visa?
It is understood that if a foreigner applies for a visa in the normal way and stays in the country, and the visa is valid, it is not necessary to leave the country to apply. However, the following is a brief description of the requirements and considerations for those who are eligible to apply.
What should foreigners pay attention to when working in China?
Foreigners working in China need to apply for foreigners' work permit + work residence permit
Article 41 of the Exit and Entry Control Law of the People's Republic of China stipulates that foreigners working in China shall obtain a work permit and a work-type residence permit in accordance with the regulations; no unit or individual shall employ a foreigner who has not obtained a work permit and a work-type residence permit.
Article 80(3) of the Exit-Entry Administration Law of the People's Republic of China: "Anyone who illegally employs a foreigner shall be fined 10,000 yuan for each person illegally employed, with the total amount not exceeding 100,000 yuan; if there are illegal gains, the illegal gains shall be confiscated." Serious cases will be pursued and subject to criminal liability.
Which foreigners meet the requirements to apply for an Alien Work Permit?
Foreign High-end Talents (Class A)
China's economic and social development urgently needed scientists, scientific and technological leaders, international entrepreneurs, specialized special talents and other "high precision and shortage" of foreign high-end talent, in line with the national key and directory of the introduction of foreign talent and one of the following conditions, identified as class A, the implementation of the "green channel "and "shortage tolerance" service. (A) selected for the introduction of domestic talent program
(2) Meet the internationally recognized professional achievement recognition standards
(C) foreign talents who meet the needs of the market-oriented encouraged positions
(D) innovative and entrepreneurial talents
(E) Outstanding young talents
(F) point-counting points above 85
Foreign Professionals (Category B)
(A) Foreign professionals with a bachelor's degree or above and 2 years or more relevant work experience. Those who meet one of the following provisions: 1. Managers or professionals engaged in scientific research, teaching, management and other work in special fields such as education, scientific research, journalism, publishing, culture, art, health, sports, etc.
2. Execution of Sino-foreign governmental agreements, agreements between international organizations, Sino-foreign economic and trade and engineering contracts, and the relaxation of age requirements for personnel dispatched by internationally renowned academic institutions and international organizations in science and education in accordance with the terms of intergovernmental exchange and cooperation agreements.
3. The personnel employed by international organizations in China and the representatives of overseas expert organizations in China.
4. Middle-level or above employees dispatched by multinational companies, chief representatives and representatives of permanent representative offices of foreign enterprises in China.
5. Foreign managers or technical professionals employed by various enterprises, institutions and social organizations.
(2) Holders of international vocational skills qualifications or urgent and shortage of skilled personnel.
(C) foreign language teaching staff.
(D) the average salary income is not less than four times the average social salary income of the region in the previous year foreign talents.
(E) Specialized personnel and personnel implementing projects in accordance with the provisions of the relevant state departments.
(6) Professional talents with point-counting points of 60 or more.
Other Foreign Personnel (Category C)
Other foreign personnel who meet the needs of the domestic labor market and meet the provisions of national policies are identified as Category C, mainly including
(a) Foreign personnel who meet the current regulations on the management of foreigners working in China.
(B) foreign personnel engaged in temporary, short-term (not exceeding 90 days) work.
(3) Those who implement quota management, including foreign youths who come to China for internship under intergovernmental agreements, foreign students and foreign graduates from overseas universities who meet the prescribed conditions, foreigners working in special fields such as offshore fishing, etc.
Information for companies recruiting foreigners
Confirm whether the expatriate meets the conditions for processing
They should be at least 18 years old, in good health, with no criminal record, with a definite employer in the territory, and with the necessary professional skills or appropriate level of knowledge and relevant work experience to perform their jobs.
The work to be performed is in line with the needs of China's economic and social development, and is a professional in urgent need in China.
If the laws and regulations provide otherwise for foreigners to work in China, the provisions shall apply.
Confirm the materials required for business processing
List of information provided by the enterprise side.
List of information provided by the enterprise side.
Copy of business license of the enterprise
Legal person identification information and contact information
Identification information of Chinese employees
Lease agreement for the company's physical office address
Company's fixed telephone number
Corporate tax certificate and related information
List of documents to be provided by individual foreign employees.
Personal passport of the foreign employee
Academic certificates and certified documents
Certificate of non-criminality and certified documents
Proof of two years of work experience
Health examination report
Registration form for temporary accommodation, etc.
Foreign Employee Onboarding Process
Entering the country with a valid visa
办理所在城市的“临时居留登记表” (正常情况下,按照法规进入中国的第一天需要到就近派出所办理“临时居留登记”),如因隔离可入境后联系当地派出所进行报备
Apply for the "Temporary Residence Registration Form" in your city (Normally, you need to apply for the "Temporary Residence Registration Form" at the nearest police station on your first day of entry into China according to the regulations), or contact the local police station after entering the country to report the situation if it is due to isolation.
Go to the hospital designated by the Entry-Exit and Quarantine Bureau for medical examination for employment of foreigners
Apply for the Work Permit for Foreigners at the local Foreign Affairs Bureau
With a foreigner's "Work Permit", you can apply for a "Long-term Residence Permit in the People's Republic of China" at the Exit-Entry Administration Office of the Public Security Bureau, and generally obtain a work permit and residence permit valid for one year. Otherwise, it is an illegal employment. The work permit and residence permit can be extended at the relevant department one month before the expiration of the next year.
Note: The above procedures need to be strictly followed to avoid unclear processes that lead to multiple returns of applications or unsuccessful processing.


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