
[问答] 匠心独运,创意十足!2021纽约视觉艺术学院SVA插画毕业 ...

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安安安定Ending 发表于 2022-1-3 00:22:42 | 只看该作者 打印 上一主题 下一主题
纽约视觉艺术学院SVA展示了“插画视觉散文项目”,独特而有革命性。它重新定义了形象艺术家们如何看待他们的作品,以及插画等如何进入商业领域。这一切将从发展个人视野开始。当你拥有了个人的“风格”内容,那么创作出来的作品一定是原创的。 MFA 插图作为 2021 年插画视觉散文项目班的展览,由项目协调人 David Sandlin 策划。

SVA的“插画视觉散文项目” 旨在最大限度地提高学生作为具象艺术家的机会,将创造性思维的发展与技术和沟通技巧融合在一起。在关注视觉艺术市场的同时,将更多的精力放在了实践上,使学生能够选择将艺术作为一种生活方式。


Abanti Deb Chowdhury

From top to bottom, left to right:
Cremation, 2021, digital, 5 ¼ x 14 inches
Departure, 2021, digital, 5 ¼ x 14 inches
Emptiness, 2021, digital, 5 ¼ x 14 inches
Discomfort, 2021, digital, 5 ¼ x 14 inches

Artist Statement:
Dusk is a series of illustrations about a woman who is in grief after the loss of her beloved one and how she reconnects with her true self by going through experiences with her daughter that reshaped their lives.

匠心独运,创意十足!2021纽约视觉艺术学院SVA插画毕业 ... 第1张图片

匠心独运,创意十足!2021纽约视觉艺术学院SVA插画毕业 ... 第2张图片

匠心独运,创意十足!2021纽约视觉艺术学院SVA插画毕业 ... 第3张图片

匠心独运,创意十足!2021纽约视觉艺术学院SVA插画毕业 ... 第4张图片

Yichin Chen

Are you tired of swiping?, 2021, digital, 13 ½ x 20 inches
Easy, Breezy, silky!, 2021, digital, 13 ½ x 20 inches
”The” brushes, 2021, digital, 13 ½ x 20 inches
The hall of perfect shapes, 2021, digital, 13 ½ x 20 inches
Let’s build up a “perfect” dating profile, 2021, digital, 13 ½ x 20 inches
Happy bodies, 2021, digital, 20 x 13 ½ inches
Happy bodies, 2021, digital, 20 x 13 ½ inches
Zodiac signs_Leo, 2021, digital, 10 x 7 inches
Zodiac signs_Libra, 2021, digital, 8 x 8 inches
Zodiac signs_Scorpio, 2021, digital, 8 x 8 inhes

Artist Statement:
This illustration series is a visual experiment in probing the so-called beauty and social norms.

匠心独运,创意十足!2021纽约视觉艺术学院SVA插画毕业 ... 第5张图片

匠心独运,创意十足!2021纽约视觉艺术学院SVA插画毕业 ... 第6张图片

匠心独运,创意十足!2021纽约视觉艺术学院SVA插画毕业 ... 第7张图片

匠心独运,创意十足!2021纽约视觉艺术学院SVA插画毕业 ... 第8张图片

匠心独运,创意十足!2021纽约视觉艺术学院SVA插画毕业 ... 第9张图片

Danlin Zhang

From top to bottom, left to right:
Journey, 2021, ink and digital, 23 x 18 inches
The First Encounter, 2021, ink and digital, 16 x 22 inches
Inner self, 2021, ink and digital, 17 x 13 inches
Salute to Life, 2021, ink and digital, 15 x 23 inches
Contamination, 2021, ink and digital, 19 x 13 inches

Artist Statement:
This series of images was inspired by a traditional story I heard as a child, A Deer of Nine Colors. The original story is based on the Buddhist Jataka tale, which were discovered as cave pAIntings from the Mogao Caves.
I expanded the meaning of the story and added my own insight. In the story, the magical nine-color deer saved the main character, but the main character betrayed the deer because he was greedy for the king's bounty, which eventually led to his own death. I think this story can be interpreted as a journey in which each person talks to himself or herself. When a person is kind and caring, there might be a magical journey waiting for him/her. But when the heart is polluted by greed for money and power, all beautiful things will be lost.

匠心独运,创意十足!2021纽约视觉艺术学院SVA插画毕业 ... 第10张图片

匠心独运,创意十足!2021纽约视觉艺术学院SVA插画毕业 ... 第11张图片

匠心独运,创意十足!2021纽约视觉艺术学院SVA插画毕业 ... 第12张图片

匠心独运,创意十足!2021纽约视觉艺术学院SVA插画毕业 ... 第13张图片

Jiubi Zheng

Grape flower and bird pattern silver incense balls, 2021, digital, 18 x 27 ½ inches
A rockery, 2021, digital, 18 x 27 ½ inches
Female figure of Tang dynasty, 2021, digital, 18 x 27 ½ inches
Female figure of Tang dynasty, 2021, digital and watercolor, 18 x 27 ½ inches
Porcelain vase with incised decoration of Ming dynasty, 2021, digital, 18 x 27 ½ inches
Pottery terra-cotta of girl resting on a camel of Tang dynasty, 2021, digital, 18 x 27 ½ inches
Pottery terra-cotta of girl resting on a camel of Tang dynasty, 2021, digital, 18 x 27 ½ inches
Fragment of lacquer plate decorated with the Guanghan Palace of Ming dynasty, 2021, digital, 18 x 27 ½ inches
Stone standing bodhisattva, 2021, digital watercolor, 18 x 27 ½ inches
Jar with carp in lotus pond, 2021, digital, 18 x 27 ½ inches
Jar with carp in lotus pond, 2021, digital, 18 x 27 ½ inches
The nine colored deer, 2021, digital, 18 x 27 ½ inches
The banquet in Tang dynasty palace, 2021, digital, 18 x 27 ½ inches

Artist Statement:
The Story of Antiques is a project about the antiques of China. I always find myself attracted to Chinese antiques, for the material, the texture, the shapes and artistic beauty of them. In these drawings, I tried to translate the old antiques with a new way of appreciation. The objects are from different dynasties across the range of thousands of years. I created a brand new story about them, revealing the mystery veil of the life, culture and legends about ancient China.

匠心独运,创意十足!2021纽约视觉艺术学院SVA插画毕业 ... 第14张图片

匠心独运,创意十足!2021纽约视觉艺术学院SVA插画毕业 ... 第15张图片

匠心独运,创意十足!2021纽约视觉艺术学院SVA插画毕业 ... 第16张图片

匠心独运,创意十足!2021纽约视觉艺术学院SVA插画毕业 ... 第17张图片

匠心独运,创意十足!2021纽约视觉艺术学院SVA插画毕业 ... 第18张图片

匠心独运,创意十足!2021纽约视觉艺术学院SVA插画毕业 ... 第19张图片

匠心独运,创意十足!2021纽约视觉艺术学院SVA插画毕业 ... 第20张图片

Flora Bai

From top to bottom, left to right:
I Live in a House Full of Mirrors, 2021, digital, 30 x 23 ½ inches
Labels Are For Jars Not For People, 2021, digital, 30 x 47 ¼ inches
Rumor Kills I, 2021, digital, 11 ¾ x 9 ¼ inches
Rumor Kills II, 2021, digital, 11 ¾ x 9 ¼ inches
I Want to Be Different, Like Everybody Else, 2021, digital, 30 x 23 ½ inches
Refine/Define, 2021, digital, 11 ¾ x 18 ½ inches
Abyss, 2021, digital, 30 x 23 ½ inches
Sometimes It’s A Relief to Be Invisible, 2021, digital, 30 x 23 ½ inches
Me The Puppeteer, Me The Puppet Too, 2021, digital, 30 x 23 ½ inches
Nature Does Not Need Me, 2021, digital, 30 x 23 ½ inches
Closer To The Sky, 2021, digital, 12 x 18 ¾ inches
1|1 Memories, 2021, photograph, 48 ¾ x 36 ½ inches

Artist Statement:
1|1 is a project about a girl who has a mirror on her face. She has chosen to lose herself in a world full of information, and she has failed to understand or get back to who she really is because of social recognitions and self-expectations that were put upon her. The character is a reflection of myself, an extreme people-pleaser, being tolerant of others while doubting myself. One day I realized that I was not only wearing masks to increase chances of making people like me, but also losing my identity in the process. I kept torturing myself by saying that I was not good enough, but nothing is ever enough.

匠心独运,创意十足!2021纽约视觉艺术学院SVA插画毕业 ... 第21张图片

匠心独运,创意十足!2021纽约视觉艺术学院SVA插画毕业 ... 第22张图片

匠心独运,创意十足!2021纽约视觉艺术学院SVA插画毕业 ... 第23张图片

匠心独运,创意十足!2021纽约视觉艺术学院SVA插画毕业 ... 第24张图片

匠心独运,创意十足!2021纽约视觉艺术学院SVA插画毕业 ... 第25张图片

Karlotta Freier

From top to bottom, left to right:
Page 101-102, 2021, watercolor on paper, 8 ½ x 12 inches
Page 103-104, 2021, watercolor on paper, 8 ½ x 12 inches
Page 105-106, 2021, watercolor on paper, 8 ½ x 12 inches
Page 103-104, 2021, watercolor on paper, 8 ½ x 12 inches
Unas Monologue, 2021, ballpoint pen on paper, 8 ½ x 12 inches

Artist Statement:
Fragile Participation in Fate is a science fiction-/ slice of life graphic novel.
These pages are a small excerpt of a longer story.

匠心独运,创意十足!2021纽约视觉艺术学院SVA插画毕业 ... 第26张图片

匠心独运,创意十足!2021纽约视觉艺术学院SVA插画毕业 ... 第27张图片

匠心独运,创意十足!2021纽约视觉艺术学院SVA插画毕业 ... 第28张图片

匠心独运,创意十足!2021纽约视觉艺术学院SVA插画毕业 ... 第29张图片

匠心独运,创意十足!2021纽约视觉艺术学院SVA插画毕业 ... 第30张图片

Simiao Wang

From top to bottom, left to right:
Blue Street, 2021, digital, 8 x 10 inches
Want some Drink, 2021, digital, 8 x 10 inches
Travel In Space, 2021, digital, 8 x 20 inches
I want to give you this meteorite, 2021, digital, 8 x 10 inches
This monster will be mine, 2021, digital, 8 x 10 inches
Look at this Creature, 2021, digital, 8 x 20 inches
To the unknown, 2021, digital, 8 x 20 inches

Artist Statement:
This is a story about an astronaut and a creature she meets in space.
Their journey and adventure together. The astronaut helps the monster find its own kind. During the adventure, the astronaut also finds meaning in her life.

匠心独运,创意十足!2021纽约视觉艺术学院SVA插画毕业 ... 第31张图片

匠心独运,创意十足!2021纽约视觉艺术学院SVA插画毕业 ... 第32张图片

匠心独运,创意十足!2021纽约视觉艺术学院SVA插画毕业 ... 第33张图片

匠心独运,创意十足!2021纽约视觉艺术学院SVA插画毕业 ... 第34张图片

匠心独运,创意十足!2021纽约视觉艺术学院SVA插画毕业 ... 第35张图片


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