
[美国装修] 请帮忙看看Inspection Report. 谢谢!

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ppcg 发表于 2017-7-12 06:32:29 | 只看该作者 打印 上一主题 下一主题
请帮忙看看Inspection Report. 谢谢!
昨天做的Inspection,晚上收到报告。第一次做买房inspection,对报告里的各种问题的严重程度和花费都没经验,昨晚在网上搜了一些相关资料,但还是有很多拿不准的,想请版上的xdjms给看看,(知道不可能让卖家全部或者大部分cover,)怎么选择要修的跟卖家谈。这个报告里问题还不少:( 房子是90年代的。



1. Trim/Overhang Cladding: Wood rot noted on trim. We are unableto investigate if the damage is more than surface damage. Recommend a qualifiedcarpenter evaluate the cause and correct as needed.

2. Vent/Exhaust Condition: Water Heater- Exhaust gasesspilling at water heater. This is a potential hazard. Recommend licensed plumberevaluate system and correct as needed.

3. Furnace Heating and Cooling: Flames/burners appearedimproper at the time of inspection. Recommend qualified HVAC technician evaluatesystem and correct as needed.

4. Window Interior: Deterioration/Rot noted at some windows.Recommend qualified window professional evaluate system and correct as needed.



5. Trip Hazard present at driveway garage connection. Asection of the driveway pad has sunk leaving a Trip Hazard. Trip Hazard alsopresent on walk exterior grounds. You should have a concrete specialistevaluate and discuss options of repAIr.

6. Garage door spring is broken.

7. Water Heater: Debris noted at water heater draft hood.This is often a sign of back-drafting and is a hazard. Gas leak noted at waterheater control.

8. Furnace Heating and Cooling: White powder noted. Thebyproducts of burning gas are acidic. The white material is the materialproduced when the acid in the exhaust reacts with metal it encounters. If themetal is galvanized, it will react with zinc in the galvanizing the same wayacid reacts with zinc in the battery posts on the car and produce the material.A lot means that exhaust is losing buoyancy and is thus cooling too rapidly. Ifthere is a lot of this product and it goes on long enough, it can ruin anexhaust vent and/or the heat exchanger. Gas Leaks detected.

9. B-vent has evidence of back drafting.

10. Master Bathroom: Improper light fixture over shower.This is a hazard. You should have a licensed electrician install a proper waterresistant light fixture. Jet pump did not operate.

11. Basement Stairs/Railings Interior: Loose railings.



12. Trim/Overhang cladding: Improper installation offlashing. This may cause wood rot. Recommend qualified siding professionalevaluate system and correct as needed.

13. Faucet Utilities Exterior: Broken handle. Water was notable to be shut off at the exterior spigot. Replace it.

14. Roof: Nail popping through shingle.

15. Toilet: Floor around toilet tested damp with moisturemeter. Unchecked moisture at a toilet can cause damage to the flooring members.We are unable to determine if the moisture is coming from sources other thanthe toilet itself. (For Master Bathroomand Central Bathroom)

16. Central Bathroom: Floor where tub and vinyl flooringmeet appears to have loosened and could allow water to damage the subfloor.

17. Half bath: Toilet is loose at floor. There is a wax ringthat seals the toilet to the drain pipe.

18. Window Interior: Binding, did not open. Some were foundto be painted /swelled shut. Windows did not seat properly, unable to lock.


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cm3513 发表于 2017-7-12 06:40:34 | 只看该作者
Exterior Grounds: 1. Drive way: Expansion joints should be sealed to prevent water penetration and movement.2. Walks: Gaps present at walk-step connection. This should be filled and sealed to prevent water penetration which could damage the foundation. Concrete is sloping toward building. This can cause water seepage and basement wall damage. 3. Patio: Older/worn, lower parts in pavers. This will allow water to pond and drain next to the foundation. Walk/patio needs repair or replacement.Cladding:1. Vinyl/Metal Siding: Some holes in siding, repair.2. Exterior of windows: Recent Paint. Recent paint may conceal evidence of past or present conditions, such as water staining, deterioration or cracking. Wood windows present older/worn surface.Roof:1. Asphalt Shingle: Exposed nails/screw or other fastener. Nails have been applied through the top of the shingle. 2. Gutters: Leaking or evidence of leaking noted.3. Valley: Gaps. This could allow water penetration.4. Bath Vents: Clogged with insect nests.Chimney:1. Structure: Rot noted.2. Chimney Crown/Cap: Significant rust noted. If the corrosion penetrates the material water may enter the structure and cause damage.Garage floor:Salt damage/pitting is noted.Branch Circuits:Improper wiring support/staples of wiring under kitchen sink.Attic:Insulation: Uneven insulation levels, insulation has settled or has been moved, leaving partially un-insulated areas. This may cause condensation which, with no air/flow may cause bio-growth. Bathroom:1. Master Bathroom: Drain pipe is not an approved material. These pipes are prong to clogging and leakage.  2. Central Bathroom: Sink drain stopper did not operate properly. Shower head pipe not secure.3. Half Bathroom: Floor at toilet is damaged. Dry at time of inspection. Repair.Kitchen:Exhaust Fan Vent To: Unable to determine exact discharge location. Suggest verifying that exhaust fan discharges outside and piping/damages are clean and in good condition and operating properly.地下室装修过,只有一小部分可以看foundation wall之类的,没什么问题。看下来,感觉major是要修的,Safe 里面第10和第11是不是可以不提要求?Minor里面哪些比较严重呢?楼主小白感觉都是说大可大,说小可小的问题,抓狂。除了那三类,其他问题哪些可以要求卖家修的(卖家比较容易接受的)?看房一年终于找到一个各方面都比较满意的,恳请牛牛们指点!谢谢!
aiwanshen 发表于 2017-7-12 06:46:20 | 只看该作者
nonopong 发表于 2017-7-12 06:52:19 | 只看该作者
感觉就是设备都到年龄了,需要换,热水器, 屋顶,暖炉,窗户等,这些房主都没换过吗?20多年的房子寿命都到了。
ivansoon 发表于 2017-7-12 06:54:00 | 只看该作者
屋顶和空调是两年前换的,Furnace差不多22年了,应该是没有换的,water heater 12年了,窗户啥的感觉都没换。
fasdfsadf 发表于 2017-7-12 06:54:18 | 只看该作者
zhong888 发表于 2017-7-12 06:55:42 | 只看该作者
要求卖家换Furnace, water heater 和窗户,感觉是一大笔钱啊。
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