
[华人餐馆] New rule to curb food delivery violations 深圳率先在全国搭建外卖送餐车精细化管理 ...

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lisiyuan 发表于 2017-8-29 05:02:19 | 只看该作者 打印 上一主题 下一主题
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New rule to curb food delivery violations 深圳率先在全国搭建外卖送餐车精细化管理 ... 第1张图片
Representatives of online food delivery service platforms sign a convention on traffic safety yesterday. Sun Yuchen

SHENZHEN traffic police, in cooperation with online food delivery service platforms, will impose a three-level punishment mechanism for violations by food delivery employees.

Delivery persons will be given a one-week suspension for their first traffic violation, a one-month suspension for the second and a year for the third.

Police will share the violation information with food delivery service providers and announce the three companies with the most violations to the public monthly. Food delivery companies will be held liable if their employees use unlicensed or illegal e-bikes and vehicles to provide food delivery services and are the cause of an accident.

According to a news conference yesterday, traffic police will include information on couriers working for food delivery service companies on its monitoring platform and require that companies unify their respective uniforms, working cards, vehicle serial numbers and credit management systems for employees. The employees must wear helmets while delivering food and the companies must purchase insurance for the employees and vehicles.

Police also require service providers not to use oversized food delivery vehicles, to educate their employees about traffic rules such as carrying passengers, running red lights, traveling in the wrong direction, using motorist lanes and engaging in other business.

According to regulations, e-bike drivers who violate rules on restricted roads or during restricted time periods will be fined 2,000 yuan (US$300). Those operating bikes that fail to meet national standards will be fined 1,000 yuan. E-bike drivers using motorist lanes will be fined 500 yuan, and 50 yuan for going in the wrong direction or 20 yuan for running a red light.

The city reported 311 accidents involving e-bikes between January and July this year, resulting in 52 deaths and 369 injuries. The number of accidents rose by 35 percent over the same period last year. The number of injuries rose by 55.7 percent, or 132 people, despite the number of fatalities dropping by 38.1 percent or 32 people, compared with the same period last year. Among them, four accidents, resulting in two deaths and three injuries, involved food delivery companies.

So far this year, police have checked a total of 33,459 violations made by food delivery employees, accounting for 12.1 percent of the violations made by e-bike riders.

[color=#666666 ]8月22日下午,深圳市交警与在深各送餐企业举行“深圳送餐企业交通安全文明公约签约仪式”。至此,深圳交警将全市各送餐企业工作人员信息纳入平台管理,这也是深圳率先在全国搭建外卖送餐车精细化管理平台。
[color=#666666 ] New rule to curb food delivery violations 深圳率先在全国搭建外卖送餐车精细化管理 ... 第2张图片

[color=#666666 ]深圳市交警局副局长冯新毅出席仪式并讲话
[color=#666666 ]在交通安全文明公约签约仪式上,深圳交警交通处事故科黄强科长首先介绍了深圳市1至7月涉摩涉电交通事故基本情况。据介绍,今年以来,深圳交警共查处非机动车违法275349宗,其中涉及电动车109852宗,占39.90%,其中涉及送餐企业送餐员交通违法33459宗,占12.15%。今年1至7月全市共发生涉摩涉电交通事故311起,死亡52人,受伤369人,同比去年事故起数增加79起,上升34.05%;死亡人数减少32人,下降38.1%;受伤人数增加132人,上升55.7%。涉及送餐企业发生事故4起,死亡2人,受伤3人。涉及送餐企业一方承担全部责任的1起,承担主要责任的1起,承担同等责任的2起。
[color=#666666 ] New rule to curb food delivery violations 深圳率先在全国搭建外卖送餐车精细化管理 ... 第3张图片

[color=#666666 ]深圳交警交通处事故科黄强科长通报今年4起涉及送餐企业的交通事故
[color=#666666 ]此次深圳交警将全市各送餐企业工作人员信息纳入平台管理后,深圳交警将督促送餐企业加强对公司外卖送餐员、员工的管理,确保做到“六个统一”、“六个不准”即:“统一工作人员服装样式、统一工作人员持证管理、统一送餐车辆编号管理、统一佩戴骑行安全头盔、统一平台信用管理体系、统一购置人员和车辆保险”及“不准使用超标外卖送餐车、不准载人或实施非法拉客、不准超载、不准冲红灯、不准走机动车道、不准逆行”。
[color=#666666 ] New rule to curb food delivery violations 深圳率先在全国搭建外卖送餐车精细化管理 ... 第4张图片

[color=#666666 ]饿了么公共事务总监孙宗光(左)与美团区域经理陈雄杰(右)共同签署安全文明公约
[color=#666666 ]同时,深圳交警将定期将交通违法通报至外卖送餐企业,由企业落实送餐员交通违法三级处罚机制。即:对送餐员因违法被交警查处的,第一次被交警处罚的,停止该工作人员骑行外卖送餐车一周;第二次被交警处罚的,停止该工作人员骑行外卖送餐车一个月;第三次被交警处罚的,停止该工作人员在平台内所有公司企业骑行外卖送餐车一年。
[color=#666666 ]此外,深圳交警每月向社会公布各外卖送餐企业涉及交通违法总量及违法率,对于车均违法率排名前三的企业,就如何有效规范、引导员工遵守交通法律法规行为约谈企业在深负责人。
[color=#666666 ]深圳交警指挥处勤务科薛伟鹏副科长表示,以后将持续对外卖送餐车发生交通事故的,按相关规定追究管理企业主体责任。一是对使用超标电动自行车,发生一般以上交通事故的,追究管理企业主体责任;二是对使用送餐车发生死亡交通事故,且送餐员承担同等以上责任的,追究管理企业主体责任。
[color=#666666 ] New rule to curb food delivery violations 深圳率先在全国搭建外卖送餐车精细化管理 ... 第5张图片

[color=#666666 ]深圳交警指挥处勤务科薛伟鹏副科长介绍平台建设作用
[color=#666666 ]饿了么公共事务总监孙宗光也代表送餐企业在签约仪式上表态,他表示将严格落实“六统一”和“六不准”,将配合深圳交警的管理,在保证送餐员安全的前提下,同时也保证送餐的效率和质量。
[color=#666666 ] New rule to curb food delivery violations 深圳率先在全国搭建外卖送餐车精细化管理 ... 第6张图片

[color=#666666 ]饿了么公共事务总监孙宗光代表送餐企业在仪式上发言
[color=#666666 ]中文来源:深圳新闻网
[color=#666666 ]Editor/ Lily

New rule to curb food delivery violations 深圳率先在全国搭建外卖送餐车精细化管理 ... 第7张图片
New rule to curb food delivery violations 深圳率先在全国搭建外卖送餐车精细化管理 ... 第8张图片

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