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shinull 发表于 2018-1-2 07:09:24 | 只看该作者 打印 上一主题 下一主题





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The Queen's Christmas message for 2017.

Sixty years ago today, a young woman spoke about the speed of technological change as she presented the first television broadcast of its kind. She described the moment as a landmark.





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Prime Minister Theresa May's Christmas message 2017

I want to send a message of thanks to every member of our armed forces and your families, wherever you are in the world this Christmas. Earlier this year I joined the centenary commemorations for the Battle of Passchendaele .


Gathered in Flanders, we remembered the hundreds of thousands of young men who gave their lives on that battlefield in the cause of freedom. Through a century of great change since, the high standards and devotion to duty of our armed forces have remAIned constant.


Today, as we face new threats, your work continues to make the world a safer place. I saw that first hand this month in Iraq, when I met British soldiers training and supporting the Iraqi Security Forces as they fight against Daesh.


Thanks to their efforts, and the skill of the Royal Air Force, Daesh no longer holds significant territory in Iraq or Syria and a better future is in prospect for that region. In the Caribbean, the Royal Navy, supported by the other services brought disaster relief to those suffering in the wake of Hurricane Irma. And twice this year, after acts of terrorism here at home, we deployed troops on the streets of the UK to help keep us safe.


Whenever you are called upon – regulars or reserves – you always give of your best and inspire us all with your service. The enormous debt we owe to our armed forces and veterans is enshrined in the Military Covenant. And the Covenant also recognises that your achievements are made possible by the love and support of your families.


Partners and children are often called on to make huge sacrifices of their own – from a change of school or job, to coping with extended periods of separation. That separation is especially difficult at Christmas time, and we should all be immensely grateful for that sacrifice.


At the Passchendaele memorial service at the Menin Gate this July, those gathered sang the Ypres hymn: 'O Valiant Hearts'. This Christmas, as people across the United Kingdom celebrate this special time of year with their families and friends we will do so secure in the knowledge that the valiant hearts of our servicemen and –women, many far away from their own loved ones at this special time of year, are working to keep us safe.

在今年七月帕斯尚尔战役的纪念仪式上,聚集在一起的人们唱着伊普尔圣歌:“O Valiant Heart”。今年圣诞,当英国各地的人们与家人朋友共同欢迎这一特殊时刻的时候,我们应心中牢记,在这个特殊的日子里那无数依旧和他们爱的人相隔一方,无法相聚,依旧在努力工作,保卫我们安全的英勇将士们。

Thank you all for your service and I wish you a very happy Christmas.



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Mayor of London's Christmas Message

I’d like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas.

At this time of year, when we celebrate the birth of Jesus, many of us are able to come together and spend precious time with our families, friends and loved ones.

As we look back at the year that has passed, and as the New Year comes into view, let’s look forward with hope and optimism.

But it’s also important that we take the time to spare a thought for those who may have lost loved ones this year, or, for whatever reason, may be alone or homeless this Christmas.

And let’s give thanks to those who are working over Christmas – like our police officers, firefighters, emergency service and NHS staff, who work so hard to help keep us safe and well.

Not just at this time of year but all year round.

This is the true spirit of Christmas - and the true spirit of London.

Our diversity and openness is our greatest strength.

We don’t just tolerate, but celebrate and respect each other.

We show that London Is Open.

Merry Christmas everyone and have a great 2017.


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