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aquar1us 发表于 2018-1-2 10:06:30 | 只看该作者 打印 上一主题 下一主题
两法国公司将合作开发太阳能光伏水处理厂 第1张图片
法国可再生能源独立电力生产商Akuo Energy将与专业从事利用太阳能进行水处理的初创公司Mascara,合作开发由可再生能源供电的水脱盐淡化厂。
这一合作将能使Akuo Energy在整个光伏价值链的经验——包括项目开发、融资、建设和运营,与Mascara的新技术,即利用光伏电池板所产生的电力为淡水生产供电的技术相结合。
《光伏杂志》此前曾报道过Mascara公司 2016年在阿布扎比的30千瓦离网光伏系统水淡化试点项目。2017年该公司在法属波利尼西亚的反渗透脱盐技术水淡化项目也投入了运营。该公司的技术现在可以具有竞争力的价格、无碳排放地为偏远社区提供饮用水,但所面临的挑战是如何在系统中增加蓄电池,使其可不间歇地工作。
Two French companies have partnered to develop projects that combine renewable energy generation with water desalination. This is an area the solar sector is targeting specifically for the developing world, due to its off-grid compatibility. 两法国公司将合作开发太阳能光伏水处理厂 第2张图片 Akuo Energy, a leading French independent renewable power producer, and Mascara Renewable Water, a French start-up specializing in water treatment using solar power, have signed a partnership to develop water desalination plants powered with renewable energy.
DetAIls of their plans are thin on the ground, with a press release simply stating that “a number of geographical regions” will be focused on, including Southeast Asia, the Middle East and part of the Indian Ocean. A spokeswoman for Akuo Energy further told pv magazine the two partners “don’t have any project to communicate about yet.”
The move is significant, however, since it combines the experience of Akuo Energy, which is active across the whole solar value chain, including in project development, financing, construction and operation; and Mascara Renewable Water’s new technology, which powers the production of water with energy from PV panels.
In January, pv magazine reported on Mascara’s pilot project in Ghantoot, Abu Dhabi, which uses a 30 KW off-grid solar PV system to power the desalination water process. Another similar project utilizing the company’s so-called reverse osmosis desalination technology, has been in operation in French Polynesia since early 2017.
Mascara’s technology can provide even remote communities with drinking water at a competitive price – 50% of a desalination plant’s lifetime costs reportedly come from energy consumption – and without any CO2 emissions. A challenge, however, will be adding a battery to the system, thus allowing it to work non-stop.
Acute problem
Water desalination is an acute problem, specifically in the Middle East, where very large amounts of fossil fuel-generated power are used for the process, thus making it a dirty business. The solar PV industry has been calling for the region to embrace solar desalination plants to make the process carbon-free. Given that the Middle East is recently seeing record-low prices for new solar plants, it is possible that some regional governments can take the idea seriously.
On the contrary, solar water desalination is the only solution for off-grid communities, like the one in Indonesia, which is set to be powered by Akuo Energy via a 1.2 MW hybrid plant.


两法国公司将合作开发太阳能光伏水处理厂 第3张图片


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