
[问答] 加拿大技术移民项目介绍(上)

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Introduction to skilled migration program in Canada

Skilled immigrants from Canada are the mAInstream way of immigration under the category of economic immigrants in Canada. According to the trial process, skilled immigrants can be divided into federal skilled immigrants and provincial nominated skilled immigrants.
Federal skilled immigrants will directly review the application materials through the Federal Bureau of immigration. Provincial nominated skilled immigrants will first review the application materials through the provincial Immigration Department of Canada, and then issue the provincial nomination letter after passing the examination, and then conduct the final review through the Federal Bureau of immigration, which will issue permanent residence status. Many provinces in Canada have provincial nomination projects, such as MPNP in man Province, oinp in Ontario, bcpnp in British Columbia, etc. the provincial nomination projects are subdivided into many subcategories, such as skilled immigrants nominated by the province, employer guaranteed immigrants nominated by the province, etc. Different provinces have different requirements for applicants, but most of them are judged according to the applicant's age, education, occupation, work experience, language ability and adaptability. Take Ontario oinp as an example. At present, domestic applicants pay more attention to Ontario employer sponsored immigration, which is one of the important subcategories.
1、What is EE?
CIC of Immigration Canada issued the scoring rules of express entry express channel on December 1, 2014, which is called comprehensive ranking system (CRS), also known as EE screening for short. EE talent pool is established and screened with reference to the scoring table. According to the CRS score of the applicant, the Immigration Bureau will issue an invitation to apply (ITA). After receiving the invitation, the applicant can submit an immigration visa application.
01 适用项目
01 applicable items
EE screening system is applicable to the following items:
1. Federal skilled migration FSW
2. Federal skilled worker immigration FST
3. Canadian experience immigrants
CEC该系统于加拿大当地2015年1月1日中午12点启动, 筛选池子随时进,无人数上限;每次邀请都按照择优选择,和进池子时间无关系。每年按照合适的频率进行筛选,目前的频率通常是两周一次。
The system was started in Canada at 12 noon on January 1, 2015. The screening pool can enter at any time, and there is no upper limit on the number of people; Each invitation is selected according to the best, which has nothing to do with the time of entering the pool. Screening is carried out at an appropriate frequency every year, and the current frequency is usually once every two weeks.
02 进入EE基本门槛
02 basic threshold for entering EE
1. 技术移民类(FSW):雅思4个6,够67分,最少一年0,A,B类职业工作经验;
2.  技工移民类(FST):听说5,读3.5,写4, 1年雇主offer或持有加拿大省政府的职业技工证书,近5年内有2年FST技工经验;
3.    经验类移民(CEC):近3年内有1年加拿大0,A,B职业工作经验,B类职业雅思读4其他5,0,A类职业4个6(CLB7)。
1. Skilled immigrants (FSW): IELTS 4 6, enough 67 points, at least one year working experience in 0, a and B occupations;
2. Skilled worker immigration (FST): listening and speaking 5, reading 3.5, writing 4, 1 year employer offer or holding the vocational technician certificate of the provincial government of Canada, with 2 years of FST technician experience in recent 5 years;
3. Experience immigrants (CEC): 1 year of working experience in 0, a and B occupations in Canada in recent 3 years, 4 IELTS in class B occupations, 4 other 5, 0 and 4 class a occupations (clb7).
2、Federal skilled immigrants
联邦类技术移民分为三个子类别,均直接经过EE快速通道进行申请: 联邦技术移民FSW、联邦技工移民FST、加拿大经验类移民CEC。
Federal skilled immigrants are divided into three sub categories, all of which apply directly through EE express channel: federal skilled worker program (FSW), federal skilled trades program (FST) and Canadian experience class (CEC).
01 联邦技术移民FSW
01 federal skilled immigrants FSW
Canadian federal skilled immigrants are suitable for applicants with high education, young age and good English or French. Immigration Canada has set up two scoring checkpoints for the applicant. The applicant must first get 67 points in the federal skilled immigration scoring form to prove that he is qualified to submit EE applications and be screened by the Immigration Bureau; After the applicant passes the visa invitation system and the CRAES system, it is determined that the applicant has no chance to pass the scoring system. Secondly, the Immigration Bureau will determine the scoring cycle according to the CRAES system.
Application conditions:
评分:满分100分,通过分67分;工作经验:过去10年至少有1年连续的工作经验;语言:雅思达到CLB7(听说读写4个6)的成绩,成绩两年内有效;教育:高中以上学历,如果是海外学历需要通过ECA学历认证;职业类别:加拿大境内/外NOC职业类别属于NOC 0、A和B类均可;资金准备:证明有足够的资金可以支持申请人及其家人在加拿大的生活,或者申请人目前正在加拿大合法工作,又或者已经获得加拿大雇主的有效工作offer;申请人及其家庭成员身体健康无犯罪记录。
Score: 100 out of 100, 67 through; Working experience: at least 1 year of continuous working experience in the past 10 years; Language: IELTS reaches clb7 (4 6 in listening, speaking, reading and writing), and the result is valid within two years; Education: high school degree or above. If you have an overseas degree, you need to pass ECA degree certification; Occupational category: NOC occupational category inside / outside Canada can be classified as NOC 0, a and B; Fund preparation: prove that there are enough funds to support the life of the applicant and his family in Canada, or the applicant is currently working legally in Canada, or has obtained a valid job offer from a Canadian employer; The applicant and his family members are in good health and have no criminal record.
Suitable for people:
Canadian federal skilled immigrants are suitable for young people with high education, good English and rich work experience. Immigration Canada welcomes such highly educated young immigrants. These new immigrants are young, energetic and have a strong labor force. They can not only contribute to Canada's local economy for a long time, but also deliver young blood to the population development of various provinces in Canada.


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