
[问答] 第7届马来西亚2022年度杰出企业家大奖

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badang369 发表于 2022-10-13 11:47:47 | 只看该作者 打印 上一主题 下一主题
第7届马来西亚2022年度杰出企业家大奖 第1张图片

马来西亚企业家至高荣誉——第7届马来西亚2022年度杰出企业家大奖2022颁奖盛典于9月30日(星期五)在马来西亚,吉隆坡,大华酒店 (The Majestic Hotel) 圆满落幕。此次颁奖典礼一共汇集了500名来自各领域的杰出精英,见证了今年40位马来西亚2022年度杰出企业家大奖的诞生,其中包括政治家、学者、企业家、明星、及艺术家等等。
马来西亚年度杰出企业家大奖(Malaysia Top Entrepreneur of the year Award, MTEA)由企业总裁杂志倡议、亚洲精英企业家联盟AEEF主办,豪威国际集团HWT GROUP与国际品质促进会IAQ协办,东南亚第一互联网大健康集团DREVE集团赞助。奖项设立宗旨在于表扬马来西亚各领域杰出企业家,从而为社会树立更多创业典范,并让世界看到马来西亚杰出的企业家楷模人物。该奖项一共分为4个项目:马来西亚20大杰出企业家大奖、马来西亚20大杰出青年企业家大奖、马来西亚50大新锐企业家大奖、马来西亚行业杰出企业家大奖,是马来西亚创业者积极追求的事业荣誉。

第7届马来西亚2022年度杰出企业家大奖 第2张图片

原马来西亚科学、技术和创新部副部长暨亚洲精英企业家联盟总会首席顾问尊敬的拿督威拉阿布巴卡博士(Ybhg Datuk Wira Dr. Abu Bakar Bin Mohammad Diah)

第7届马来西亚2022年度杰出企业家大奖 第3张图片

马来西亚仲裁庭大法官尊敬的丹斯里拿督斯里曼斯伊雅克布博士客座教授(Tuan Yang Terutama Tan Sri Dato Seri Prof Dr.Munsyi Muslim Bin Yacob)

第7届马来西亚2022年度杰出企业家大奖 第4张图片


Malaysia Top 20 Entrepreneur of the year Awards 2022

1、Dato Chen Wee Sean
Managing Director of Nettoyage Station (PG) Sdn Bhd

2、Au Yong Khoong Chiew
Director of YH Jewellery Corp Sdn Bhd

3、Cheng Chia Thong
Director of DF Group Sdn Bhd

4、Rae Yong Ching Sui
Founder of Milano Jewellery Sdn Bhd

Malaysia Top 20 Young Entrepreneur of the year Awards 2022

1、Albert Lee Joo Hee
XI Business World Sdn Bhd

2、Andy Lim Jin Xiong
Director of One HAIr Group Sdn Bhd

3、Avice Dang Chi Leong
Founder & MD of MOM Worldwide (M) Sdn Bhd

4、Ben Ling Kim Siong
Group Founder of Mcentury Properties Sdn Bhd

5、Chan Chee Fai
Director of Mobile to Go Sdn Bhd

6、Dezmond Lim Khang Wei
Director of IPG Realty Sdn Bhd

7、Jee Kar Jung
Director of Kung Fu Dim Sum Sdn Bhd

8、Joseph Wong Jia Chun
Director of Aczeon Ventures Capital Sdn Bhd

9、Khor Khai Siang
Director of Homemark Hardware (M) Sdn Bhd

10、Lee Ching Hong
CEO of HKS F&B Holding Sdn Bhd

11、Ray Ng Seng Boon
Managing Director of Atracs Properties Sdn Bhd

12、Sam Choi Chee Kuan
Founder of Sam Properties Development

13、Ting Yew Chai
Director of DFM Prosper Sdn Bhd

14、Xavier Ng Hiang Jin
Founder of Ventopia Sdn Bhd

Malaysia Top 50 Emerging Entrepreneur of the year Awards 2022

1、Ts. Dr. Ong Chong Yong
Managing Director of Experiva Solutions

2、Elson Tan Chean Hwa
Devots ( GH ) Sdn Bhd

3、Ernest Tou Tze Hooi
Director of Glory Addiction Sdn Bhd

4、Eunice Lee Pui Pui
Director of San M Associates

5、Evan Tan Weng Hwa
Director of Ironway Resources Sdn Bhd

6、Henry Lim Wai Kent
Managing Director of GLEXiS Tuition Centre Sdn Bhd

7、Kevin Yew Kian Wei
Director of Ideal Security Sdn Bhd

8、Malcolm Lo Vui Kung
CEO of AIEQ Academy Sdn Bhd

9、Margus Koo Hon Khiu
Director of Megatrend Solution Sdn Bhd

10、Ong Ming Hong

11、Director of San M Associates

12、Samuel Fo Wei Hao
Founder of Samspace Meta Sdn Bhd

13、Simmi Goh Ser Mui
CEO of Value Envision Sdn Bhd

14、Simon Ng Ka Wei
Team Leader of GT Nelson Sdn Bhd

15、Tan Khim Siang
Partner of Switch Corporate Management

16、Teo Han Ley
Managing Partner of Teo & Associates Advocates & Solicitors

17、Vincent Wong Mun Seng
CEO of Vincenology Solution

18、Vionna Tan Zi Zhen
Director of Ebelle Sdn Bhd

Malaysia Top Entrepreneur of the year Awards 2022

1、Dr. Wong Jest Phia
Harper Elite Sdn Bhd
Malaysia TOP Entrepreneur in Aesthetic Using Technology of the year 2022

2、Chan Tyng Tyng
Tyng Dance Academy
Malaysia TOP Entrepreneur in Dance Education of the year 2022

3、Raymond Gwee Jin Li
Rays Conceptual Design
Malaysia TOP Entrepreneur in Interior & Architecture Design of the year 2022

4、Ruth Chai Mei Hui
Delston Strategy Consultancy Sdn Bhd
Malaysia TOP Entrepreneur in ISO Technical Expert of the year 2022

5、Teo Han Ley
Teo & Associates Advocates & Solicitors
Malaysia TOP Entrepreneur in Personal Injury and Road Traffic Accident Law of the year 2022


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