
[问答] 什么是落地签证?

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利智 发表于 2023-3-10 11:38:37 | 只看该作者 打印 上一主题 下一主题
What is a visa on arrival?
签证是一国政府机关依照本国法律规定,为申请入出境或通过本国领土的外国人颁发的一种许可证明。一般情况下,外国人入境前,除根据互免签证协定等规定外,应当事先向该国驻外使领馆申请签证。但部分国家出于吸引外国游客和投资等目的,允许外国公民在抵达本国国境时,在边境口岸办理签证,这就是通常所说的落地签证(Visa on Arrival简称落地签),也称口岸签证。"
A visa is a type of permit issued by a government authority of a country in accordance with the provisions of its laws for foreigners applying to enter, leave or pass through its territory. Generally, before entering the country, foreigners should apply in advance for a visa from the country's embassy or consulate abroad, except under the provisions of a mutual visa exemption agreement, etc. However, some countries, for purposes such as attracting foreign tourists and investment, allow foreign nationals to apply for a visa at border crossings upon arrival in their own country, which is commonly referred to as a Visa on Arrival (VOA), also known as a port visa."
According to the article in the Chinese Consular Services website we can learn that a visa on arrival is in fact a visa at the port of entry, just called differently.
The visa on arrival that we usually refer to is the visa on arrival for entry into a foreign country, which is mostly found in foreign countries. Residents of countries and regions with which China has established diplomatic relations or has official trade and commerce can apply, for urgent or temporary trade exhibitions, contracts, equipment installation, technical support, medical treatment, visits to critically ill patients and humanitarian relief. Usually an invitation is issued by a domestic entity, organisation or individual and the relevant supporting documents are sent to the invited foreign national, who will apply on site upon arrival at the designated port. It is also possible to send all the documents directly to the visa department at the port of entry, and the inviting unit/individual will forward the visa acceptance notice issued at the port of entry to the foreign citizen, and the foreign citizen can apply directly without presenting any other documents with the form and passport. Depending on the purpose of the foreign citizen's visit to China, the visa authority at the port of entry will issue the corresponding type of visa, the duration of stay and the designated port of exit as appropriate.
Under what circumstances can a foreigner apply for a visa at the port of entry?
A foreigner may apply for a visa at the port of entry visa authority for the following reasons.
1. 中方临时决定邀请来华参加交易会的;
1. a temporary decision by the Chinese side to invite to China to attend a trade fAIr
2. coming to China on invitation to participate in a tender or to formally conclude an economic and trade contract
3. coming to China to supervise export or import inspection or to participate in contract acceptance as agreed
4. coming to China at the invitation of the Chinese side to participate in the installation of equipment or the repair of works
5. coming to China at the request of the Chinese side to settle claims
6. coming to China at the invitation of the Chinese side to provide scientific and technical advice
7. coming to China at the request of the Chinese side to provide scientific and technical advice; 7. coming to China at the request of the Chinese side to provide additional temporary changes after the group has obtained a visa
8. visiting critically ill persons or dealing with funeral matters
9. when, for reasons of force majeure, a person in direct transit is unable to depart on the original plane within 24 hours or has to change to another means of transport
10. Other invited persons who are genuinely unable to apply for a visa at a Chinese agency abroad and who have a letter or telegram from the designated competent authority agreeing to apply for a visa at the port of entry.
11. tours organised or received by China International Travel Service and approved travel agencies in Hong Kong and Macau.


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